"Epidemics have often been more influential than statesmen and soldiers in shaping the course of history, diseases may also color the moods of civilizations." - René Dubos and Jean Dubos
(In this photograph influenza victims crowd an emergency hospital at Fort Riley, Kansas (1918). The 1918 flu, which is believed to have originated in Kansas, killed an estimated 40 million to 50 million people worldwide.) (AP Photo/National Museum
of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology)
Welcome to our class blog! New to RMHS for the 2009-2010 school year is an elective course titled "The History of Epidemic Disease: The Black Death to the Swine Flu." This space will be used to communicate information about the class, display student projects, post student website and newspaper article reviews, and share photographs and media about epidemic disease.
Be sure to check back in soon!